Monday, February 05, 2007

Too many things to come ...

What to do now that you lost all your toys and don't know how to begin with ?

The shirt she taught that was for her to clean has more to tell. He sees that every single woman is a piece of joy, hopless to unveil the space between the shalow memories of her own, deeply in the sky of roses brought by him.

Call him cause you know how you will feel just when he picks up the phone and greets you with his lonely and sweet little thing that he has on his sore mouth.

Probally you notice that maybe he's not quite the guy you tought he would be! Am I right?
All that smalltalk of him really feels like you ?

You sould beware of the dangers of your life, living with your own misery portraited by some other artist that you are still willing to forgive.

Suddenly all the stuff that matters, can change before you realize that it has something to do with you.

by me.

Euro Millions Key for 9/02/2007 :
19 24 18 21 30 4 2