Saturday, July 30, 2005

iIntel: My "Don't give a fuck" opinion

Apple's Switch is a major move in our tech life.
Having such OS quality running on a x86 machine is quite impressive of the power of the "just in case scenario" that Jobs is proud of.
Tons of e-comments just like this one, become the daily basis of blogs and techmags all over the internet.
This review/opinion pretend to be a merge of all those messing that is all over the world.
There are 2 main opinions and analysis of this move.
One is that Jobs is doing well: He will offer a better cpu for those who don't know what that crap is, the common user, the other is that Apple will go on the way down adopting some low-arch system compared with the uber-leet-&-geek ppc machines.
Well in my opinion i think this will be a good move for all of us. Engineers or not. Internet readers or Advanced-Custom-Uber-Leet Apps Users.
I don't give a fuck ... if it's x86 it will be widely used.

PS: I read a lot about this stuff and this is what i think.
There are a lot of info around there and i will provide some links for you to read.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger jp said...

Just because it's widely used doesn't mean it's better! The IBM PPC processors are said to have a better and "cleaner" architecture than the x86 ones, though IBM for the past few years wasn't able to provide such quality and improve of speed in it's processors like Intel was. Therefore I think this is the main Jobs' switch reason (not saying it's bad at all), and not just because x86 it's all over the place. :)

At 4:23 AM, Blogger Sérgio Silva said...

Well, as I said .. I read a lot of comments and opinions about this stuff and there are like a million and even some people don't believe on that ppc's clock misunderstanding.
So I stand what I wrote.
x86 Apple Machines will be cheper and widely used.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger jp said...

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